What does contempt of court mean to me?

The phrase “contempt of court” seems to be a glamorized term, used in the media and mentioned in high-profile cases. But, what does it really mean? And what are the consequences? Contempt of [...]

How to support a loved one after incarceration

It is difficult for any family to navigate transitions, but when a loved one has been away due to incarceration, it can be especially challenging. Here are five items to consider when preparing [...]

Jail Release Options Part III: Commercial Bail (Bail Bond)

A commercial bail bond, or surety bond, is a vehicle used by the court to assure that a defendant will show up for scheduled court appearances.  It is and has been for more than 100 years, the [...]

How Getting Arrested May Impact Your Career

While you are “innocent until proven guilty” your boss may not be so supportive when coordinating your work schedule from behind bars. Laws in place protect discriminatory hiring and firing [...]

How Forfeiting Bail Impacts the Process

Sometimes defendants fail to appear in court or violate a condition of their bail, and the court orders the bail bond to be forfeited. In these cases, an arrest warrant would be issued, and the [...]

Jail Release Options Part II: Cash Bail

A few counties in Minnesota have begun to offer a “cash bail” option, in addition to a “bail bond”, as a condition for defendants to get out of jail.  This cash bail option is typically 10% of [...]

History of Bail Bonds

The system of receiving money or property in exchange for temporary release from jail dates back to the 13th century in England. Bond practices came about to balance the access among the rich, [...]

What is the Difference Between County or City Jails and Prisons?

Depending on the location of an arrest, a defendant may spend time in a county or city jail. Inmates are held at a city or county jail while being charged, but typically not yet sentenced. While [...]

Are there bond options for Non-U.S citizens?

Immigration issues have had a lot of media coverage, bringing standard practices under scrutiny. While we won’t focus on policies or politics, we can take a closer look at bail options for non- [...]

How Do I Get Someone Out of Jail if I Have No Money?

No one wants to get a call from a loved one in jail, It’s a hard thing to process. Someone you care about is in a bad situation, and they’re asking you for help. It’s that much worse when you [...]