Bail Or Electronic Home Monitoring: Which is Right For You?

At your bail arraignment or violation hearing, the court will typically offer you the choice between posting bail or being placed under Electronic Home Monitoring for charges that involve alcohol [...]

Domestic Abuse No Contact Order vs Order For Protection – What’s the Difference?

DANCO (Domestic Abuse No Contact Order) vs OFP (Order For Protection) When facing domestic violence or abuse, it’s crucial to understand the difference between a Domestic Abuse Non-Contact Order [...]

What’s The Difference Between Sheriff and Police in Minnesota?

When it comes to law enforcement in Minnesota, people sometimes wonder about the roles of sheriffs and police officers, and what the difference is between the two. While both are essential for [...]

Empowering Change: How AAA Bail Bonds Is Supporting Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge

Empowering Change: How AAA Bail Bonds Is Supporting Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge At AAA Bail Bonds, we believe in the power of community and the profound impact of giving back. We are [...]

Understanding the Difference Between Jail and Prison

When discussing the criminal justice system, people often mention “jail” and “prison.” While these terms might seem similar, they actually refer to different types of [...]

The Evolution of Bailbonds

The Evolution of Bail Bonds Have you ever wondered how bail bonds came to be? Bail bonds are an integral part of our legal system today and are rooted in centuries-old history. This service [...]

Understanding Release Options in Minnesota: What’s the Difference?

Understanding Release Options in Minnesota: What’s the Difference? When it comes to bail bonds, the extent of knowledge most people have comes from what they’ve seen on TV and movies: A person [...]

What is the Minnesota Ignition Interlock Program?

Last month, we gave an overview of the penalties drivers face when charged with DUI in Minnesota. Among those DUI penalties is the revocation of driving privileges, but there are options for [...]

DWI in Minnesota

Last month we talked about celebrating safely, but if you missed our advice and found yourself arrested for Driving While Intoxicated/Driving Under the influence (DWI/DUI), the next steps can be [...]

Celebrate Safely!

With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, it’s a good time to talk about safety during “party holidays”. With the traditionally alcohol-filled holiday falling on a weekend this year, the [...]