Bail Or Electronic Home Monitoring: Which is Right For You?

At your bail arraignment or violation hearing, the court will typically offer you the choice between posting bail or being placed under Electronic Home Monitoring for charges that involve alcohol [...]

The Evolution of Bailbonds

The Evolution of Bail Bonds Have you ever wondered how bail bonds came to be? Bail bonds are an integral part of our legal system today and are rooted in centuries-old history. This service [...]

Understanding Release Options in Minnesota: What’s the Difference?

Understanding Release Options in Minnesota: What’s the Difference? When it comes to bail bonds, the extent of knowledge most people have comes from what they’ve seen on TV and movies: A person [...]

Common terms and phrases relating to bail | Part 2

Various terms and phrases relating to bail bonds can understandably be confusing for someone unfamiliar with the administration of bail. We hope that the explanations below can provide a resource [...]

Common terms and phrases relating to bail | Part 1

Various terms and phrases relating to bail bonds can understandably be confusing for someone unfamiliar with the administration of bail. We hope that the explanations below can provide a resource [...]

How is the Price of Bail Determined?

After someone is arrested, they are booked and held until bail is set. For less serious crimes, suspects may post bail immediately after being booked. Often there is a waiting period (typically [...]

Bail Bonds for Identity Theft

Every day, thousands of people are victims of identity theft, with many not even knowing it until damage has been done. According to Minnesota law: A person who transfers, possesses, or uses an [...]

What’s the Difference Between Theft, Robbery, and Burglary

Did you know these three crimes are different, even though they are often used interchangeably? If you have been arrested for any of these three, it is important to know what makes the crimes [...]

Understanding MN DWI charges

As one of the leading types of  bail bonds issued in our area, DWI charges can be scary and confusing. While most cases are not clear cut and consequences vary depending on individual situations, [...]

What are the different types of homicide charges?

What are the different types of homicide charges? Homicide, murder, manslaughter– three terms we often hear discussed to describe different versions of killing people. But, what are the [...]

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