What is the Minnesota Ignition Interlock Program?

Last month, we gave an overview of the penalties drivers face when charged with DUI in Minnesota. Among those DUI penalties is the revocation of driving privileges, but there are options for [...]

DWI in Minnesota

Last month we talked about celebrating safely, but if you missed our advice and found yourself arrested for Driving While Intoxicated/Driving Under the influence (DWI/DUI), the next steps can be [...]

Understanding MN DWI charges

As one of the leading types of  bail bonds issued in our area, DWI charges can be scary and confusing. While most cases are not clear cut and consequences vary depending on individual situations, [...]

Understanding MN DWI charges

As one of the leading types of  bail bonds issued in our area, DWI charges can be scary and confusing. While most cases are not clear cut and consequences vary depending on individual situations, [...]

5 Reasons to Discontinue an Alcohol-Monitoring Device

Defendants who are charged with driving under the influence are often given the option of being placed on an alcohol-monitoring device, (conditional release) instead of posting bail, [...]

Process of a Motor Vehicle Hearing

1. Motor Vehicle Hearing: To preserve your right to drive in Minnesota, you must request a hearing within 30 days after your license has been taken from you by an officer or within the time set [...]