Vaping has become a popular trend over the past decade, especially among adolescents and young adults. While it is often marketed as a safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes, the [...]
DANCO (Domestic Abuse No Contact Order) vs OFP (Order For Protection) When facing domestic violence or abuse, it’s crucial to understand the difference between a Domestic Abuse Non-Contact Order [...]
When it comes to law enforcement in Minnesota, people sometimes wonder about the roles of sheriffs and police officers, and what the difference is between the two. While both are essential for [...]
The Evolution of Bail Bonds Have you ever wondered how bail bonds came to be? Bail bonds are an integral part of our legal system today and are rooted in centuries-old history. This service [...]
Last month, we gave an overview of the penalties drivers face when charged with DUI in Minnesota. Among those DUI penalties is the revocation of driving privileges, but there are options for [...]
Depending on the location of an arrest, a defendant may spend time in a county or city jail. Inmates are held at a city or county jail while being charged, but typically not yet sentenced. While [...]
No one wants to get a call from a loved one in jail, It’s a hard thing to process. Someone you care about is in a bad situation, and they’re asking you for help. It’s that much worse when you [...]
Helping a loved one post bail is never easy. It may be even trickier when you are trying to post bail for someone in another state. If you are not able to provide the entire bail amount, it is [...]
Thousands of people post bail every day, but when celebrities are involved in criminal activity social media is quick to report it, and we are more likely to hear about it. Celebrities do not [...]
Whenever the imposed bail amount is less than the maximum amount allowed, conditions of release will apply. If a DUI case involves certain circumstances, then an individual’s release conditions [...]