At your bail arraignment or violation hearing, the court will typically offer you the choice between posting bail or being placed under Electronic Home Monitoring for charges that involve alcohol and/or drugs. While both options allow you to stay out of jail on a pre-trial basis, there are several factors to consider when making your decision. AAA Bail Bonds is here to explain the benefits of posting bail versus being placed under electronic monitoring and why a bail bond may offer more flexibility and security for you during the pre-trial process.
What is Electronic Home Monitoring (EHM)?
Electronic Home Monitoring allows individuals to be out of jail pre-trial, typically without having to post bail or posting a lower bail amount, while still being monitored through electronic technology. These options usually include:
- GPS Tracking: A bracelet or ankle monitor tracks the individual’s location.
- Alcohol Monitoring: A device that tests for alcohol use, either through sweat or a remote breathalyzer. Most counties require testing from this device 3-4 times a day, 7 days a week.
- Curfew Monitoring: Ensures the individual stays home during specific hours.
Bail vs. Electronic Home Monitoring: Which Option is Right for You?
While Electronic Home Monitoring is designed to reduce overcrowding in jails and allow offenders to maintain connections to their families, work, and community, it may not always be the best option for everyone—especially those facing pre-trial hearings. Here are some factors to consider between EHM and Posting Bail:
While Electronic Home Monitoring might sound like a cost-effective solution, there are upfront and potential hidden costs to consider. Most counties charge an upfront fee for the monitor, which may or may not include an installation fee. The monthly cost to rent an alcohol monitor is generally between $350-$850. You may also be held financially responsible for paying for the monitoring device if it is broken or lost while in your possession..
By contrast, posting bail can often be a more affordable solution in the long run. AAA Bail Bonds offers affordable payment options, ensuring you can secure your release without the added financial burden of ongoing monitoring costs.
Risk of Violations and Return to Jail
One of the biggest challenges with Electronic Home Monitoring is the risk of violating the terms of your release. If you fail to comply with monitoring requirements, such as daily alcohol testing or curfew, you could be sent back to jail. You can also be violated if you stop paying for the rental of your monitor, even if you can no longer afford it. These violations can result in additional legal complications, making your case more difficult to resolve.
When you post bail, you’re essentially buying your freedom until your trial, provided you adhere to any conditions of your release (such as attending court hearings and not committing any further offenses). Posting bail gives you peace of mind, knowing you can continue your life without the risk of technical violations and potentially hefty monitoring costs.
The Benefits of Bail
Posting bail offers several key benefits that can provide more flexibility, less risk, and potentially lower costs than electronic home monitoring. Here are some of the reasons why it may be the better option:
- Lower overall costs: Posting bail through AAA Bail Bonds is often more affordable than the ongoing costs of EHM.
- Reduced risk of violations: Bail doesn’t require you to follow restrictive monitoring rules, reducing the chance of costly violations.
- More freedom: Posting Bail allows you to live your life without being constantly tracked or monitored.
- Availability: Unlike EHM, which may not always be readily available (most EHM machines are provided by third-party companies who contracted with the counties), posting bail is available to most individuals facing criminal charges.
AAA Bail Bonds Can Help
If you or a loved one is facing arrest or pre-trial hearings in Minnesota, AAA Bail Bonds is here to guide you through your options. We’re available 24/7 to assist you and your loved ones with bail options and offer professional support throughout the entire process. Contact us on our website or by calling 612-900-3400.