When discussing the criminal justice system, people often mention “jail” and “prison.” While these terms might seem similar, they actually refer to different types of [...]
The Evolution of Bail Bonds Have you ever wondered how bail bonds came to be? Bail bonds are an integral part of our legal system today and are rooted in centuries-old history. This service [...]
Understanding Release Options in Minnesota: What’s the Difference? When it comes to bail bonds, the extent of knowledge most people have comes from what they’ve seen on TV and movies: A person [...]
Last month, we gave an overview of the penalties drivers face when charged with DUI in Minnesota. Among those DUI penalties is the revocation of driving privileges, but there are options for [...]
In Minnesota’s levels of offenses, there are four categories ranging from petty misdemeanors to a felony. So what does it mean when you are charged with one or more of these categories? The [...]
While you await your trial, the court might release you on bail; however, the courts need to assess if you will appear for all your court dates and go through the trial process. This determines [...]
The commercial bail bond has been an established method of release since the United States was founded. Commercial bail, though a controversial and often over-glorified industry, was originally [...]
Failed to appear in court. Now what? If a defendant fails to appear to a court date, and the bond is forfeited, the bondsman will be given a demand to either pay the full value of the bond to the [...]
What is private sector release pretrial (bail)? The commercial bail bond has been an established method of release since the United States was founded. Commercial bail, though a controversial and [...]
What is pretrial release? When a defendant is released on a pretrial release program, it is with a promise to reappear to court and to be placed on a non-restrictive or restrictive supervision [...]