Knowing where your important documents are located might sound like a no-brainer. Nonetheless, in the event of an emergency or unforeseen circumstance, having these documents both safe and readily available can relieve unnecessary stress to any startling situation.
Birth or adoption certificates. A birth certificate can be one of the simplest ways to prove your age, citizenship status and identity. Having documents on hand that have the ability to establish your identity is important to the bail bond process. If you don’t have your original certificate, a copy can be requested from Minnesota’s Vital Records office.
Social Security Card. A Social Security card is another important document used to prove personal identification and may be requested by government bodies.
Passports. Documents relating to your citizenship, immigration status or naturalization should also be readily available and kept somewhere safe.
Property deeds and ownership forms. Property information, mortgage papers and real estate deeds should be kept together in a place that is safe and easily accessible. This includes the title and registration of any owned vehicle, including boats, tractors and trailers.
Marriage certificate or divorce papers. In some situations, legal documents related to marital status may need referencing. This includes prenuptial agreements, alimony, or child support agreements.
If you or a loved one needs help posting bail, don’t hesitate to contact AAA Bail Bonds. Our bail bondsman are available 24 hours a day and can bail you out of jail any time, day or night.